Im super excited to start making my own website!!!! (09-06-24)

Hi I'm soggy! c:

Lay out is from @sadgrl

I'm super new to all of this! But hiiiiiii c: Im soggy, im still deciding on a user and stuff.

This is my first indie webpage! :D Im super excited to explore more into the world of the indie web, and leave my own little mark.

I've only seen a little bit of other indie website, and only watch 2 video on youtube about the indie web so, here goes nothing! I wanna say thank you aswell to everyone else that has their own little website because you all have inspired me! I'm hoping I also inspire someone else some day.

Thank you for popping by and soon this site will be looking cool heheeh.

- Webpages I like(im not sure how to do buttons yet) -

Inspired me to want to make my puppy a webpage c: tinypaws